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Projects and Cooperations

Projects and Cooperations serve as attribution mechanisms to rellate groups of samples and therefore data to individual accounts and apply a basic set of user permissions.


It is mandatory to have at least one project and cooperation available prior to first sample upload.

By default, the system does not have any cooperations or projects setup. They can be setup through use of the New cooperation and New Project forms respectively.

Normally, a cooperation refers to a human being that is collaborating with the owner of the EVAdb instance by sending data in for example. Other uses include setting this to be the absolute owner of the data (in real world terms).

A project is owned by a cooperation. As such a project is used to identify sets of samples in a logical relation to each other. Access control may be defined for each project as well as a cooperation. This means that the administrator can restrict access to samples even within users having access to the overarching cooperation.

Naming Projects

It is recommended to name your projects in upper case with words seperated by underscores (_). This way, forms and fields in the user application will remain more readable even for bigger cohorts.

New Cooperation Form

Cooperation Creation

New Project Form

Project Creation