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Starting the Application

After building the application, starting the whole stack is as simple as running the following command.

docker-compose File

All docker-compose based command lines need to be executed from the root directory of the application, where the docker-compose.yml is located. Otherwise you can rely on standard docker commands.

Controlling execution of the init container

The behaviour of the init container can be controlled in a fine-grained manner by utilizing the different switches exposed as environment variables. For a first start, at least INIT_DB and INIT_USER have to be set to 1. Additionally, we recommend setting IMPORT_CDSDB as otherwise the import process will not fully function.

Make sure to unset INIT_DB and INIT_USER after the init container has run once.

docker-compose up -d

After some time, all containers will be started and isolated and your instance of EVAdb should be available at User Login and Admin Login. If you are running on a remote server, you have to substitute localhost for the actual server name.

If there are trouble getting a response from the server, you can use

docker-compose logs [-f] [SERVICE_NAME]

to inspect the logs of all services (if SERVICE_NAME is omitted) or specific services (supply the name). For further troubleshooting, it is possible to descend into the services using the following commands.

docker-compose exec [SERVICE_NAME] [TOOL] # If the service is still running
docker-compose run [SERVICE_NAME] [TOOL] # If the service stopped

To inspect the state of your container setup, please use docker-compose ps.

Container ≠ Service

Container obtained from ps are not the same thing as service names used by exec/run/logs. Refer to the correct service names in the docker-compose.yml file.