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Building the containers

Before the application can be started, application containers have to be built. This can be achieved with the following command.

docker-compose build


Building these containers will take some time. Especially the init and annotation containers have to install a lot of perl modules and take some time before they are ready.

Refer to the next section for further details on individual docker containers and their purpose.

Docker Container

Docker Container

The application, as presented, utilizes multiple docker containers for the components.

  • mariadb
  • EVAdb (docker/snv-hg19p)
  • EVAdb admin (docker/snvedit)
  • init container (helperscripts)
  • annotation (annotation)

The EVAdb application consists of two user-facing web interfaces hosted through an Apache Webserver as cgi scripts. To run the application, we also setup the mysql database (mariadb), an init container and an annotation container. The primary use-case of the init container is creation of the database, initial user setup and import of external databases. It should be run on first startup and whenever external data needs changing. The annotation container is intended to be used for the import of vcf files from your standard GATK best practices pipeline.

The setup of all containers is done through the docker-compose script (docker-compose.yml). Below, we will explain the basic setup of each containers.

docker-compose run

To execute a tool in a running container of our setup, please use either

docker-compose exec [db|evadb_user|evadb_admin|evadb_init|annotation] bash

if the container is currently running, or

docker-compose run [db|evadb_user|evadb_admin|evadb_init|annotation] bash

if the container is currently shut off. For example, to inspect the database in detail, one can use

docker-compose exec db mysql -u <USER> -p<PW>

to get a mysql shell in the container.

EVAdb and EVAdb Admin Containers

Both containers are extended from standard apache/httpd Dockerfiles. We support some environment variables to supply the database user and password data. For each container, the application will run as https web service on port 443 which can be forwarded by standard docker syntax. By default, the user facing filter application will take port 443 of the host and the admin application will use port 8443.

Firewall Setup

When running a production setup where access to your EVAdb instance from the internet is required it is recommended to run a firewall with only port 443 accessible from the outside. In such a setup, you could access the admin backend only from your local network or through SSH port-forwarding (f.e.)

SSL Setup

Both containers require a docker volume to be mounted at the /ssl location (can be read-only) containing a certificate and private key file for the SSL connection. The files must be named evadb.crt and evadb.key respectively.

Init Container

The init container will initialize the database. It creates the first user for the web interface which can then create other users as well. It is built from a standard debian image and installs most software for running the perl scripts to setup the database.

First Startup

On first start, the EVAdb will typically launch against an unitialized database. In order to function properly, at least INIT_DB and INIT_USER have to be set to 1 to create the database setup and add initial user credentials.

It features two docker-volumes which need to be populated with data for the container to work properly.

Volume Purpose
/library Hosting pre-downloaded external databases (gnomAD, dbNSFP etc.). See the Download Section for more details.
/database Database dumps and sql scripts for database creation. The container uses all scripts from this folder to initialize the database.

The behaviour of the container can be influenced by setting the IMPORT_* and INIT_* environment variables. This is especially useful if only a single third-party dataset should be reimported. Other values than 1 (e.g. 0) will turn off the respective part.

Database Wipe

If the Init container is run with INIT_DB=1 on an initialized database all data is wiped off the installation.

Setting Default Description
INIT_DB 1 Initialize the database (wipes existing data)
INIT_USER 1 Setup admin user and password
IMPORT_DBNSFP 1 Toggle import of Polyphen2 and SIFT
IMPORT_CADD 1 Toggle import of CADD scores
IMPORT_GNOMAD 1 Toggle import of gnomAD
IMPORT_DGV 1 Toggle import of dgv structural variation
IMPORT_CLINVAR 1 Toggle import of clinvar data
IMPORT_UCSC 1 Toggle import of ucsc data
IMPORT_CDSDB 1 Toggle import of coding sequence database
IMPORT_LOF_METRICS 1 Toggle import of gnomad scores by gene

Annotation Container

The annotation container is built from the ngs-pipeline repository. Its primary purpose is enabling the import of vcf files for samples. For this, it uses the tool as its main interface via Data should be provided via the volume /data. The container expects library data (such as human reference genomes) at /library and databases for annotation at /anno_db.

How to use this container to import a VCF file will be described in another section.